Former President Donald Trump's speech on the economy in North Carolina was highly notable and entertaining for one key reason, Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell wrote on Wednesday in a post on X. Specifically, he was unable to stick to the actual topic of the speech — despite trying to commit to memory how important it was and audibly disagreeing with his decision to veer away. "Funniest part of Trump's big 'economy speech' today was that he kept reminding himself aloud that he was supposed to be talking about the economy, but then immediately returned to rambling about tampons or San Francisco crime or whatever," wrote Rampell, posting an excerpt of what Trump said.

ALSO READ: Trump’s smear job climaxed prematurely — and now he’s stuck "It's important. They say it is the most important subject," Trump said at one point. "I am not sure it is but they say it is.

Inflation is the most important but that is part of the economy. Kamala Harris wants to be in charge of the entire U.S.

economy, but neither she nor her running mate — another beauty, isn't he? He signed a bill. He wants tampons in boys' bathrooms. I don't think so.

" Republicans have repeatedly made this claim, although the menstrual products bill Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed does not actually do that . All of this unfolded as Trump's running mate, Sen.

J.D. Vance (R-OH), spoke in Michigan, where among other things, he struggled to find local reporters to ask him questions and mixed up the Secret.