Are you willing to chance a colour calamity for the sake of a few hundred dollars? Lucy Slight speaks to DIY devotees and a leading hair industry expert to find out if the risks are worth it. Resorting to DIY haircuts and home colour during Covid may seem like a lifetime ago, but with the cost of living crisis still impacting expenditure for many Kiwis , luxuries such as $400 highlights and $140 haircuts are likely taking a back seat for a good few of us. In July, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand expressed confidence our rate of inflation would be back inside the mandated 1-3% before the end of 2024, and fruit and vegetable prices are down at the supermarket too.

But with rent prices having increased 4.8% in the last 12 months to June and Stats NZ recording higher prices for petrol, accommodation services and grocery food, we’re certainly not in the green just yet. When it comes to cutting corners to save money, is going down the DIY hair route really worth the risk? If you’re thinking about dabbling in at home hair colour, there are a few obvious factors to be aware of, such as allergic reactions and even chemical burns , which can occur if dye is left on for too long, burning the scalp and surrounding skin.

What the experts want you to know about DIY colouring.