Want to go on a leisurely stroll along the backs and enjoy views of some splendid college architecture? Or perhaps you wish to de-stress by sitting along the riverbank watching punts, ducks and geese go by. Unfortunately for you, certain colleges think it appropriate to restrict access to the riverbank and deprive you of this joy. Despite having no buildings on the west side of the river, King’s College, Clare College and Trinity College are gatekeeping acres of beautiful green space along the backs.

Only members of these colleges are able to enjoy these spaces, with strict rules and even fees restricting others’ access. This should not be the case. “River colleges are acting like hotels with private beaches” If you are not in the privileged position of being a member of the University, King’s will extortionate amounts if you wish to enter its grounds.

For a small sum of just , a family of 2 adults and 2-3 children can enjoy the experience of exploring the college grounds – and that’s only on weekdays if they book in advance. And what if someone just wants to go to the backs without seeing King’s chapel or the rest of the college? Too bad – it costs the same amount anyway. To put these prices in context, a 90 minute punt from Scudamore's costs £42.

50. It is quite literally cheaper for a family to punt to King’s backs, get off and walk around the grounds, get back on and proceed to enjoy punting along all the other river colleges than it is to book a visit.