Open Access News Health & Social Care News Collaboration is crucial for future pandemic preparedness August 7, 2024 image: ©ismagilov | iStock Pandemic preparedness: A new report has sounded the alarm on the urgent need to address global disparities and foster interdisciplinary cooperation to effectively prepare for and respond to future pandemics The research, stemming from a workshop gathering over 130 experts in finance, economics, public health, and related fields, highlights the complex interplay between economic, societal, and health factors in building resilient health systems. “The most effective way of preventing and preparing for future pandemics is to introduce measures to protect the population against the spread of infectious diseases, not only during a pandemic, but also in ‘peacetime’” – according to the report. Inadequate investment in pandemic prevention and preparedness persists globally The report emphasizes that inadequate investment in pandemic prevention and preparedness persists globally.

To bridge this gap, experts call for a multi-faceted approach. This includes: Increased financial resources for low-income countries: The report highlights the critical need to strengthen healthcare systems in low-income countries, which are often disproportionately affected by pandemics. This could involve increased funding for disease surveillance, stockpile management, and healthcare worker training.

Strengthening global health governance: The COVID-19 pa.