When it comes to food we’re spoiled in the north-east, aren’t we? A plethora of plates available, whenever one gets slightly on the peckish side. Food is one of many things we’re good at, and if you fancy a wee bite out now and again, as I do, there’s no shortage of treats. I’m reminded of it as we have just ended another set of Aberdeen Restaurant Weeks, of which the aim is to spoil us even more rotten than normal.

It’s only September and like a goose I feel fattened for Xmas, even before autumn, having taken advantage of the special menu for the occasion at Bistro Verde. Less pennies, but no less quality – it was a delight. The thing is, we really pack a punch when it comes to quality eateries in the city.

Quite frankly, there are loads. Different styles and price points to suit all occasions, and we all have our favourites. I certainly have mine – Yorokobi, Moonfish and 8848 among others.

The thing is, it’s always a treat to try somewhere different, and this is where the restaurant weeks really push my boundaries. The extra bit of advertisement, and the discounts, encourage me to try somewhere new, or somewhere that I haven’t been in a while. I consider myself an adventurous eater, but when you’re spending a lot of money it’s easy to fall back on somewhere reliable.

The added incentive helps us become tourists in our own town and the amount and variety of restaurants available – which is hugely impressive for the size of Aberdeen – means there�.