The British rock band Coldplay is set to perform in Mumbai next year in January. The ticket sale for their upcoming concert went live on Sunday, and got sold out within minutes with many fans of the band left hanging. Coldplay India Concert 2025 Tickets: How Popular Brands Showed Humour in Highlighting Fans' Ticketing Woes Amid Long Queues on BookMyShow.

The website of the ticketing platform crashed owing to the huge traffic. Later, the ticketing platform announced the addition of a third day to their concert in India. If the sell out tickets wasn’t enough, the clever marketing gimmick of adding the third day gave a huge boost to the buzz around the concert.

The Google trends show the search for ‘Coldplay’ peaking twice during the day, first at 12:10 pm on Sunday followed by a smaller spike at around 1:45 pm. The highest search traffic came from Goa, Maharashtra and Karnataka in that order. The huge demand in Goa is attributed to its hippie culture and the Goan lifestyle which stresses majorly on consumption of good international music.

In Maharashtra, the highest traffic naturally came from Mumbai, the city where the band is set to perform. Mumbai is considered a highly bipolar city with extremes at both ends of the financial capital. The maximum city being the economic capital of India also adds a lot of value to the demand.

In Karnataka, the maximum traffic came from Manipal, a major student hub and naturally a young crowd of music enthusiasts. In no time, memes base.