New Tool Available for Proactive Approach to Suicide Prevention During Veterans' Transition from Military Service STAMFORD, Conn. , Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Veterans are 1.

7 times more likely to die by suicide than civilians, with the highest risk occurring during their transition from military service. To bring awareness to this critical period, Cohen Veterans Network (CVN), a national not-for-profit network of mental health clinics for post-9/11 veterans, service members and their families, has launched Mind the Gap: Preventing Suicide After Service for September's Suicide Prevention Month. The public awareness campaign highlights the challenges veterans face during their transition from the military and provides strategies and resources for suicide prevention.

Each year, approximately 200,000 men and women transition from U.S. military service to civilian life.

The year following military service has been called the "Deadly Gap," a period in which the veteran suicide rate is 2.5 times the rate among active duty military personnel. "The transition from military service can be filled with opportunity, but veterans can also face significant challenges such as the loss of camaraderie and purpose, employment and financial stress, coping with unmet mental health conditions and more," says President and CEO of Cohen Veterans Network Dr.

Anthony Hassan . "The convergence of such challenges can create a perfect storm resulting in elevated suicide risk. It's crucial that we bri.