Grilling season is really a time to explore and discover, and if there's a food you should add to your summer list to cook up on this smoke-infusing appliance, it is wedges of fresh coconut. Coconut is derived from the coconut palm and when its meaty interior is toasted over a grill, it imparts lovely, smoky notes to the flesh of this fruit, adding a savory layer of flavor that complements all that sweetness. You will also discover that the texture of your coconut changes when it is cooked over an open fire.

The firm pieces will turn tender, while the taste becomes more luxurious as it caramelizes in the same manner as when you roast vegetables. To get your coconut ready for the grill, you first need to crack it open and drain it. Don't discard that liquid.

Coconut water is really good for you , so save it and drink it or add it to a recipe. Setting the liquid aside, you then want to slice up the flesh into any shape that suits your purposes, but make certain the pieces are large enough so they won't slip through the grill grates. Use low heat Before you place your coconut on the grill, brush each piece with butter or olive oil.

This is an important step because if you don't, it will stick to the grates. You may also want to consider tossing it with a little honey and lime juice or cilantro and lemon juice to complement its sweet, nutty taste. You can even spice things with a little bit of crushed red pepper.

But once it's prepped, you want to place your slices of coconut —.