Jonny Gibson from Bangor explained how his project in promoting mental health awareness through his artwork using the mannequin, took a year to complete. It is his hope that it will inspire others going through their own mental health journey to look to art as a form of expression. A hand drawn pencil sketch by Jonny, depicting how music can play its part in maintaining and promoting mental health, was also gifted to the team at Ards Community Hospital team back in November.

Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Belfast News Letter, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more. “The mannequin depicts the emotions a person can go through and experience day to day. I love music and I took great pride in drawing and writing a range of song lyrics and inspirational quotes on it.

The piece is mixed with musical notes as well as numbers for mental health charities and organisations such as Lifeline, Samaritans, St Vincent de Paul and Aware NI,” said Jonny. Mannequins are fast becoming a canvas for a wide range of crafting projects from painting, mosaics and bead art. Crafting has been proven to help a person’s mood, improve self-confidence and reduce overall stress.

Jonny continued: “Mental health is an illness that shows no mercy. If I can help one person reach out for help, whether that be talking to someone or ringing one of the numbers that.