Monday, August 19, 2024 The annual Club Melbourne Ambassador Program Awards recently celebrated twelve visionary leaders for their exceptional contributions to bringing significant international events to Melbourne. These leaders, through their relentless advocacy, have successfully positioned Melbourne as a prime destination for 12 international conferences, doubling the number of successful bids achieved in the previous year. The secured events are expected to generate more than $62.

5 million in economic impact for Victoria, nearly tripling the financial benefits from the prior year. These conferences will attract over 10,000 visitors, who will participate in influential discussions and experience Melbourne’s vibrant culture and dynamic environment. Among the honoured Ambassadors were Professor Frank Dunshae, Professor Alistair Moffat, Todd Harper AM, Dr.

Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse, and Professor Geoffrey Metz AO. These leaders were recognized for their successful bids to host major international events at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC). Their efforts have significantly boosted Melbourne’s standing as a global hub for conferences and events.

Other notable contributors recognized at the event included Professor Sanchia Aranda AM, Professor Ron Wakefield, Professor Grant McArthur, and Professor Jonathan Shaw, who provided invaluable assistance in securing these prestigious events for MCEC. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the pr.