Clogged arteries prevention diet tips: Here are the top 7 nighttime drinks that can help flush out bad LDL cholesterol naturally. Clogged Arteries Diet Tips : Clogged arteries is a serious health condition which is marked by the unusual accumulation of fatty-waxy cholesterol, forming into plaques in the walls of the arteries. When left untreated, the condition can lead to severe health problems like heart attack and stroke .

As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), high cholesterol levels is one of the major contributors that triggers plaque formation, which can be influenced by what we eat, our lifestyle choices, and our genetic background. It's essential to learn how to control cholesterol for the sake of our heart health. 7 Nighttime Drinks To Lower High Cholesterol Levels At Night Have you been diagnosed with high cholesterol levels ? Try to add these 7 nighttime drinks to your diet routine to flush out bad LDL naturally and prevent plaque formation (reduce our risk of developing clogged arteries): Green tea is famous for its numerous health benefits, including its ability to reduce cholesterol.

It contains antioxidants known as catechins, which help in lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and enhancing HDL cholesterol (the good kind). Enjoying a cup of green tea before sleep can also promote relaxation and improve your sleep quality. Almond milk serves as an excellent low-calorie dairy alternative that's rich in healthy fats.

It's a source of vitamin E, which is as.