In the grand ballroom of the Fairmont San Francisco hotel, overlooking the beautiful skyline, hundreds of investors and executives gathered for the last month. The most interesting takeaway? The convergence of three powerful forces that will reshape the landscape of America—climate change, artificial intelligence (AI), and the care crisis. Let's start with climate.

As we write this, millions of Americans are wilting under a brutal heat wave. For much of our population, this isn't just uncomfortable—it's dangerous. In his groundbreaking new book, , neuroscientist Clayton Page Aldern revealed how heat exposure impaired executive functions, weakened neural networks, and disrupted sleep patterns—all critical factors in cognitive health, especially for older adults.

Climate change isn't just a future threat anymore. It's a clear and present danger. Now, consider AI.

While it's revolutionizing industries, it's also posing a significant threat to our society. AI is poised to disrupt the job market in ways we've never seen before. We're facing a future where millions of jobs could be displaced, from truck drivers to accountants to customer service representatives.

This isn't just about short-term unemployment. We're looking at the potential for long-term, structural unemployment that could reshape our entire economy. Finally, our care crisis is reaching a breaking point.

With thousands of Baby Boomers reaching their mid-70s every day, we're facing a tsunami of care needs that t.