I was beginning to think that a product like the Clif Bar was a fool’s dream. Like most people who enjoy long-distance outdoor pursuits, from and to and , I’ve been on a quest to find energy giving products that don’t taste like the bottom of an angry cockatoo’s cage for what seems like an age. Personally, I don’t think a banana can be beaten for providing a kick of pretty much everything I need when I’m close to experiencing a hunger flat out on the trail.

Sadly, however, owing to serious design flaws, fruits tend to turn to mush when you shove them in the pocket of a or and then violently jig them up and down for hours on end. (I’ve ruined several such packs by accidentally leaving the remnants of squished bananas, satsumas and apples in pockets, until they start smelling like a prison distillery.) As much as I love food (and I love food), I find it hard to stomach a lot of processed energy products mid-activity.

When I’m running, my body can handle , and they do keep me going, but the hit delivered by a squeeze of syrup (no matter how scientific it’s been made to sound) only lasts for a short time, and if you have too many, they seem to gang up and do truly evil things to your insides. Some are easy to get down, and effective for replacing much-needed carbs and salts, but they do little to sate hunger pangs. Suffice to say, I’m always on the look out for new ways of keeping fuelled up while out on the trails, especially if they appear to resemble, or at.