In a majestic event in Mexico City on August 15, 2024, the certificate of majority of votes from the elections held on June 2 in Mexico was awarded. "I commit to not disappoint, and to put all my effort, knowledge, heart, energy, will, and even my life into serving my country and my people," Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo declared after receiving her certificate as the first President-Elect of Mexico from the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF). She assured that the future of the country is promising and reaffirmed her commitment to be up to the task of governing a country and a people like Mexico.

"No one should fear anything, on the contrary, the future is promising, we are an extraordinary, unique, wonderful country and people. We will rise to the occasion and to the expectations of our beautiful and glorious people," she asserted. She emphasized that this August 15 is a day that will be etched in the history of all the people of Mexico, but especially of women, who today leave their mark with the first woman President.

"Today, already marked in the history of Mexico, I am not arriving alone, we are all arriving together. The heroines of our nation, the visible ones, but also the millions of invisible women from generations past, who made it possible for us to achieve this recognition," she stated. She said that the strength to govern comes from all those women who fought to build equality and freedom, so that daughters and granddaughters can now experience this h.