C laim to Fame season 3 champion Adam Christoferson finds his celebrity relative, his uncle Michael Bolton , a bit intimidating. “I haven’t told anybody this, but I’m starstruck by my own uncle,” Adam exclusively told Us Weekly after he won the $100,000 prize during the Wednesday, August 28, finale. “Like, we go golfing and I’m insecure about how to talk to him.

He’ll be like, ‘Oh, I was golfing with Michael Jordan ,’ ...

and I’m like, ‘Uhhhhh.’ It’s just always been like that.” Adam noted that he’s been in awe of Bolton, 71, since he was young.

“As a kid, I used to see him up on stage and it was mesmerizing. It was kind of like God, honestly. I was just like, ‘This must be it,’” he recalled.

“And then I realized in my adulthood that he isn’t the thing, it’s actually music that is the thing for me.” Adam is a musician himself and founded a nonprofit organization called Musical Intervention that provides a safe environment for people to express themselves musically, especially those struggling with addiction and mental health challenges. “So many people in society are often overlooked and don’t have a place where they can be encouraged by other people, and where people can actually at least attempt to make their life better.

And music is just a really great tool for that,” Adam explained from the organization’s studio in New Haven, Connecticut. “[Musical Intervention is] an outgrowth of most of the work that I do in inpat.