CJ Onstyle, the at-home TV shopping and e-commerce brand of CJ ENM Co., will go bolder with mobile live-stream shopping in hopes of escaping from e-commerce stagnation. On Thursday, CJ Onstyle introduced multiple new live-stream shopping shows on mobile devices in five categories – fashion, beauty, living, babies and children and new launches.

The company has invited famous Korean celebrities, ranging from actors and actresses to singers, to host the new mobile live-selling shows, which will be on air starting next Monday. With the new shows, CJ Onstyle will focus more on delivering value to consumers’ shopping experiences and meeting their diverse shopping tastes, it said. “Consumers’ preferences are becoming more important in production selection than bang for their buck.

That’s the current trend in the commerce market,” Jung Mi-jeong, vice president and chief marketing officer of CJ Onstyle, said at a press conference on the same day. “CJ Onstyle’s new programs will be produced to deliver new value to consumers to allow them to have new experiences.” The company pins high hopes on the new amid a slowdown in the overall Korean e-commerce market, especially at-home TV shopping channels.

According to data from Statistics Korea and Labangba Data Lab, the Korean e-commerce market grew 10% in the first half of this year from the same period of last year. Over the same period, the mobile live commerce market jumped 27%. “I think the magic of blockbuster strate.