Pune: The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has decided to fine waste pickers of Rs 500 if found segregating waste any place other than dedicated feeder points . Sandip Kadam, head of PMC’s solid waste management department, told TOI that there are dedicate feeder points for garbage segregation and waste pickers should use them. Those flouting the rules will be subjected to action.

According to PMC officials, the decision was taken after citizens complained about illegal dumping of trash. Not only the civic conservancy staff, but waste pickers from private agencies will also be subjected to the fine. The PMC ‘Public Health & Sanitation ByLaws 2017’ has highlighted the responsibilities and duties of generators, corporations, agents, and operators.

It has been stated that the generators must segregate garbage at the source. The bylaw further stated that the generator was expected to provide and maintain separate receptacles of approved specification, including community bins or litter bins, within the generator’s premises for each category of segregated waste. The generator should also ensure that segregated waste should not be mixed at any time after segregation at source until delivery to or collection by the corporation or authorized agency.

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