What qualities, training, experience or skills would you bring to this office? I am an honest and hard-working person who is committed to my community. I have worked in the legal field for over 12 years and my training, education and experience will help me research and discuss issues with fellow council members and the community. How would you better life for city/county residents? As a community, we need to start at the roots of our community and explore options to better our entire foundation.

We need to start by creating a community of acceptance and value. Casper is a very giving and caring community, and we should build on that by reaching out to our residents and including everyone in future plans for our city. When adopting a budget for the city or county, what would you prioritize and why? Our infrastructure will be a priority in the budget.

The basic necessity of clean water and sanitary living should be a priority for every home in Casper. If our water and sewer system, water treatment plant or waste management systems fail due to lack of maintenance and age, our entire city will suffer. What do you believe will be the greatest challenges that this office will face in the upcoming year, and how would you approach those challenges? Community outreach is one of the greatest challenges that our city council currently faces.

We need to engage with our residents and find ways to encourage involvement and input for decisions. The homeless population is a situation that n.