Christian Bale worked alongside actor Casey Affleck in the 2013 feature Out of the Furnace . What Affleck thought might’ve been just another acting job turned out to be a life-changing opportunity thanks to his co-star. Casey Affleck became disillusioned with acting before working with Christian Bale Affleck’s 2013 feature Out of the Furnace might’ve breathed new life into him.

He played Bale’s younger brother in the mystery crime thriller, which seemed to remind him of what he enjoyed about acting in the first place. Like his older brother Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck strived to become an actor from a young age. Although he found considerable success in the field, he didn’t consider it very rewarding work for a few years.

The financial benefits of his acting career didn’t compensate for the satisfaction that he was seeking in the business. “I got sucked into doing movies because now I was depending on it for my livelihood, and I had an apartment in New York and I started to have things I had to pay for, so there was a period where I did some movies that I had no interest in. It was a job, and it started to become not so fun — movies like Drowning Mona and Soul Survivors that I just did,” Affleck once told The New York Times .

Even the movies that he did have fun in, like the Ocean’s franchise, didn’t offer him the excitement he was searching for. “Then I started doing the Ocean movies. Those were fun, but also a lot of time spent being, like, 100 feet a.