Being a prankster in college in India is a risky bet. It can lead to anything from detention to expulsion. However, in this case, the pranksters received a heartwarming response from the teacher, who proved to be a good sport about the entire affair.

Some students at the prestigious Christ University , Bengaluru , were seen pulling a prank on their teacher, who appeared to be unfazed and even joined in on the fun. The video, which was shared on Instagram , has now gone viral. The prank unfolded during a class when two students got into a fight.

Intrigued by the commotion, the professor decided to step in and mediate the dispute. The students cleverly disclosed that their disagreement centered on the grammatical accuracy of two phrases: "You is sleep" versus "You can sleep." Without missing a beat, the professor confirmed that "You can sleep" was the correct form.

What happened next had both the professor and onlookers laughing heartily. As soon as the professor gave his answer, all the students simultaneously rested their heads on their desks, pretending to fall asleep. Realizing he had been the target of a prank, the professor took it in good humor.

With a charming smile, he asked if he was being filmed. Upon discovering he was, he playfully waved at the camera, endearing himself to viewers. The video, posted by the Instagram account ‘psych B’ with the caption “pookie professor,” quickly went viral.

In just a few days, it racked up over 37 million views, with social .