I've been having this dream where I wake up and someone else has emptied the dishwasher. Where I come out for breakfast and the kitchen bench is shining and a hot cup of tea is waiting, just the way I like it, milky with one sugar. Subscribe now for unlimited access .

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The adage that the cook doesn't need to clean doesn't work in my house because I have to do both. I'll get a load of washing on, knowing I'll have to do the folding later, and put it away myself. At least I've weaned myself off ironing.

Surely it's time to clean up your act, lady? Picture Shutterstock Perhaps there's a bag of garbage to take out, weeding to be done in the garden, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting ...

and please don't mention the bathrooms. Look, don't get me wrong. I couldn't stand living in a dirty house.

I've always taken pride in my domestic skills. I like an organised home, one where everything has its place. My idea of "unclean" is probably far more clean than many other people's definitions, tidiness too.

I've been known to have real phy.