The future of Guam rests on the shoulders of its youth, and now more than ever, it is crucial for young people to step up, get involved and make their voices heard. Our island is at a crossroads, facing challenges that will shape its future for years to come. We need your energy, your fresh perspectives, and, most importantly, your vote to help keep Guam's spirit alive.

You might think that you’re too young to make a difference or that your voice won’t matter. But that couldn't be further from the truth. In every community, change often starts with the youngest members.

When young people come together to demand change, voice their concerns and participate in the decisions being made, that’s when real progress happens. If you’re a young person on Guam, your involvement can impact the issues that matter most, like education, employment, the environment, or cultural preservation. Cost of living: One of the most pressing issues on our island is the high cost of living.

Food and gas prices have steadily increased, affecting everyone, especially families struggling to make ends meet. When you go to the grocery store or fill up at the gas station, you can feel the pinch. This impacts the quality of life for many people, including your own family.

By getting involved, you can help shape policies that address the cost of living, ensuring that basic necessities remain affordable for everyone on Guam. Homeownership: For many young people, owning a home seems like a distant dream.