Chinese-based real estate company G-Homes is seeking to bring a new style of living to Guyana with a luxury housing development planned for Goed Fortuin on the West Bank of Demerara (WBD). 98 acres of land which sit on 98.92 acres of prime land promises to be a green and smart community, with houses, apartments, office spaces, a mall, and even a kindergarten.

The company made its presence known at this year’s International Building Expo, currently being held at the Guyana National Stadium at Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD); and according to its representative Jason Wang, the reception has so far been good. “It’s quite good..

.. (people) say it’s a great project,” he disclosed.

While noting that the design concept currently unveiled is just a plan, Wang explained that the community can be fully tailored to suit the needs of the residents. “Maybe in the future we can have more schools, or even hospitals; it depends on what the residents want,” he noted. The company plans to break ground on completion of the new Demerara Bridge.

For now, the firm is garnering feedback from the public. At the expo, curious persons took the opportunity to fill out forms that indicate their level of interest in the project. The form lists intended house sizes, ranging from 3500 square feet to as large as 6500 square feet; or even more, if required.

House prices are touted from as low as US$350,000 and can get as high as over US$1.5 million. Recognising the growing development on t.