Chinese Drama As Beautiful As You Special Episode Recap & Spoilers By The office romance Chiese drama, , featuring and in the lead roles, has recently released its final set of episodes. As seen in the , Han Ting (Xu Kai) and Ji Xing (Tan Songyun) finally tie the knot after going through various professional and personal setbacks. The series released a special bonus episode after the release of the finale.

It focuses on tidbits from the couple’s happy married life. In this episode, Han Ting and Ji Xing sit in their garden, listening to the news. The reporter reveals that Hanhai Xingchen now has its independent IPO on the main board of Shenzhen stock exchange.

Their implantable, cheap and efficient medical devices receive praises from everyone. Ji Xing finally breaks her silence. Han Ting’s grandfather has been wanting a great-grandchild.

She mentions that ever since their marriage, she also has an urge to have a baby. Han Ting, on the other hand, mentions that he doesn’t want to compromise his alone time with Ji Xing. But if she wants a baby, he will not delay.

Seeing her upset, he decides to take the day off and take her on a ride. As Beautiful As You special episode showcases Xu Kai & Tan Songyun’s happy married life The next scene takes viewers to the fourth year of the couple’s marriage. Ji Xing is pregnant with their first son.

She mentions that she has been spending sleepless nights. Han Ting takes care of his wife and is always by her side. Their son grows up.