Data from market research firm Daxue Consulting showed sports retailer Anta, electric vehicle manufacturer BYD and tech company Vivo have received the most attention on Chinese social media in relation to the Games, with the highest number of mentions on major platforms. Tencent Marketing Insight has estimated 62 per cent of global television audiences will watch these Olympics, and data collected since 2000 indicates a cumulative 2 billion people have watched the Games at some point during the intervening years. “Smaller brands that don’t have [large] budgets or want to do something more creative .

.. have cleverly created buzz through pop-ups,” said Jiang Yaling, founder of research and strategy consultancy ApertureChina.

“They are using content created in Paris to showcase their international [status] to domestic audiences.” 01:18 Parisians express love for Chinese culture ahead of Olympics The company – which widened its international footprint last year with new stores in the US, UK, Australia and Canada – has unveiled Olympic-themed packaging, badges and tea bowls to coincide with the high-profile sporting event. It also set up a “tea room” for viewing the Games on Rue Breguet in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, one of Europe’s most densely populated urban districts.

The area is home to a large population of young adults, a key demographic for marketers. Chagee, another Chinese tea brand with 100 overseas shops, opened a tea bar in front of the Gare .