China was not invited to the Voice of Global South Summit in which 123 countries took part with several leaders raising climate change concerns, challenges of new technologies and talking of the need for reforms in the United Nations. Answering queries during a press conference here after the third Voice of Global South Summit, which was hosted by India and held virtually, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said some countries referred to multipolarity, saying that the world is moving towards multipolarity and this should be reflected in the workings of the Global South. "The first question, was China there? Answer is no.

Underlying question, were they invited? Answer is no," he said. Answering a query, he said the Summit was an exercise much more in a way of finding common positions and the idea was to create that sense of coming together on a Compact. "So I would say, I mean, clearly, in many ways, ideationally, there would be a carryover," he said.

"On the Monkey-pox issue, no. There was no specific reference to anybody. I mean, there were references to health challenges which were not getting the priority kind of thing, but not specific in that sense.

We weren't looking so much at financial...

I mean, this was not a visit where you do say, okay, I have a list of deliverables to put before the world. This was more like a gathering of people around a set of themes who are exchanging ideas, taking, you know, mulling that between them, taking it forward, exactly as we did.