Sunday, September 15, 2024 China is gearing up for a significant surge in railway travel, with an estimated 74 million passenger trips expected during the five-day travel rush surrounding the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, according to official data released on Saturday. This festive period, celebrated widely across the country, will see millions of people on the move, either heading to tourist destinations or traveling home to reunite with loved ones. The China State Railway Group Co.

, Ltd. has projected that an average of 14.8 million passengers will take the trains daily between September 14 and September 18.

This heavy flow of travelers is a testament to the importance of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Chinese culture, which traditionally brings families together. The railway system will be operating at full capacity to accommodate this demand, ensuring that citizens can reach their destinations smoothly. The travel rush is expected to hit its peak on Sunday, September 15, the first day of the official three-day holiday.

On that day alone, approximately 16.8 million trips are anticipated, making it the busiest travel day of the holiday period. The surge is largely driven by the festival’s deep-rooted customs, as families prioritize spending time together and partaking in cultural traditions such as moon viewing and sharing mooncakes.

Given the high passenger volume, local railway departments are stepping up efforts to enhance travel services during the holiday period. Measure.