A three-year-old child was injured in a bear attack on Sunday after unsecured food items were left lying around a Montana campsite. The incident took place at around 10 p.m.

at a private campground near Red Lodge, southwest of Billings. A Facebook post by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks says that the subadult female bear attacked the child inside a . Game wardens and bear specialists responded and quickly found the reason for the attack: garbage, a and food had been left unsecured inside and around the tent.

"The black bear involved in the incident had no history of conflicts. However, the bear had likely become food-conditioned and human-habituated after accessing unsecured attractants in the area," writes the MFWP. The child was transported to a medical facility and no further details have been issued about their condition.

The MFWP set a trap at the campsite on Sunday night and captured the bear the following afternoon. The bear was then euthanized. This case highlights the importance of securing all food and toiletries when camping in bear country.

Bears are attracted by scents and leaving food unattended can cause them to become – meaning they lose their fear of humans. This can have deadly consequences for both humans and bears. When you are camping in bear country, always use bear lockers provided to secure anything with a scent, including food, toothpaste, chapstick and deodrant.

If no lockers are available, you can bring your own , while some official advice is to s.