Casting director Mukesh Chhabra recently discussed the idea that Salman Khan is an underutilized actor and shared his thoughts on Shah Rukh Khan being considered the last of the stars. Speaking with Ranveer Allahbadia, Chhabra reflected on Salman Khan’s legacy and his iconic performances in several films. When asked whether he agrees with the notion that Salman is an underutilized actor, Chhabra disagreed, saying, "No, he has given many great performances.

" Chhabra, who directed the late Sushant Singh Rajput in Dil Bechara, highlighted some of Salman Khan's standout films, including Baaghi, Patthar Ke Phool, Tere Naam, Love, and Hum Aapke Hain Koun. Top Picks For You Nikhil Advani reveals he callled Salman Khan as Shah Rukh on the first day of shoot and 'the whole set went quiet' He stressed that no one could replicate Salman’s performances in these movies. Addressing why some people might think Salman is underutilized, Chhabra noted that when Salman wants to deliver a powerful performance, he certainly does, as evidenced by his work in numerous iconic Hindi films.

Discussing the narratives created around Salman Khan, Chhabra mentioned that these ideas often originate from a few voices on social media. He humorously pointed out that "random people like Chintu, Bablu, and Tinku" are responsible for spreading such narratives. Chhabra further praised Salman Khan’s roles in films like Bajrangi Bhaijaan, No Entry, and Partner, saying that no one else could have portrayed tho.