Chhaava trailer released amid much fanfare on January 22 with the entire cast being present. Marking her next release after her highly successful Pushpa 2 – The Rule , Rashmika Mandanna couldn’t be more excited about returning to the big screens – and that too in such a unique avatar. While she has been a popular actress down South as well as in Bollywood, this will be her first time exploring the world of Maratha warriors as a quintessential Maharashtrian Queen.

While sharing her experience of working in the film, the actress got quite emotional and went on to describe the kind of happy space she is in after doing the movie. Rashmika Mandanna describes it as an ‘opportunity of a lifetime’ In the trailer launch, as the actress was asked about working for the film, Rashmika Mandanna responded, “This film is something I could ask for in this lifetime. I was just talking to director Laxman sir, that I feel like, after this film, I am happy enough to retire.

” Actress requests audiences to accept her Further talking about how the makers completely trusted her to pull off this role, despite being a non-Maharashtrian, Rashmika said, “I don't know how Laxman (Utekar) Sir thought about it. But I am telling you, this is one of the most special characters I had the opportunity to play. I hope I have done a good job and tomorrow you'll like it.

This has been very personal and close to you but today I have tears in my eyes when I watched Chhaava.” The actress went on to .