Linkin Park's drama rages on ...

with Chester Bennington ’s son, Jaime , calling out band co-founder Mike Shinoda for appointing Emily Armstrong as the group's new lead singer ...

making it clear she's not Jaime's pick to replace his dad 7 years after his death. Jaime criticized Mike for betraying fans’ trust by hiring Emily ..

. adding in a lengthy IG post Monday he had "quietly erased my father's life and legacy in real time ..

. during international suicide prevention month." Chester died by suicide in 2017.

Jaime didn’t hold back ...

diving into Emily’s alleged ties to Scientology and her support for Danny Masterson . This all came to light following The Mars Volta’s Cedric Bixler-Zavala 's resurfaced messages Emily had attended a 2020 preliminary hearing in support of Masterson, which hit fans hard ..

. especially since Chester had openly discussed surviving sexual abuse. Bixler-Zavala's wife, Chrissie Carnell-Bixler was one of several women who accused Masterson of sexual assault.

Last year, Masterson was convicted of 2 counts of forcible rape and sentenced to 30 years to life . Since the backlash, Emily addressed the situation without naming Masterson directly ..

. but did seem to reference him. She mentioned she was asked to support someone she thought of as a friend during a hearing years ago .

.. but afterward, she realized she shouldn’t have been there.

She added she always tries to see the good in people -- but misjudged this one. Jaime highlighted the fan .