CHERRY HILL, N.J. (WPVI) -- The holiday shopping and return season is in full swing at Cherry Hill Mall.

Management and local police are striving for safety, so they enforced a parental escort policy for individuals under the age of 18 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.

m. only for December 26. The supervisor must be over 21 years old and provide proof of their age.

"I think it's fine," said Erik Ymer from Cherry Hill. "Keep everybody safe. Keep the holiday spirits going on; everything going good - makes sense.

" "There was a lot of issues that happened that probably forced them to take these measures," said Megan Walker from North Philadelphia. "If that's the case, that's what needs to be done, but otherwise let the kids have a good time, but moms come with them." The mall spokesperson said in a statement this comes after previous events on December 26, including the disturbance in 2017 when nearly 1,000 juveniles swarmed the mall.

"This policy has been in effect since 2018 and has been successful in keeping our visitors secure and the environment welcoming. Cherry Hill Mall prioritizes matters involving the safety of our shoppers and mall employees." "There is a lot of security guards," said Walker.

"You see them back and forth, and they are visible." Holloway said she also saw officers inside. Police said juveniles acting irresponsibly were escorted from the property or arrested if engaging in criminal activity.

Holloway said she worked in this mall for years and witnessed several dangerou.