CHENNAI: Be it the ignored old table cloth, the untouched dress section in our wardrobe, or some rusted materials leaning on the edges of the wall — they have the potential to be repurposed in all the ways possible. Well, the adage, “Change starts with you” can be a great propelling force towards the strides of sustainability. If one sticks to the mantra 5Rs of sustainable lifestyle — refuse to buy, reduce the times of purchase and reuse the existing product, repair when damaged and the last is recycle into a new commodity — it can bring in a sea of change.

In the words of environmentalist Robert Swan, ‘The right time for action is now’. What does it mean to lead a sustainable life in 2025? Chennaiites put forth their thoughts on making some conscious choices for a better life. When you buy any new garment, ask yourself: “Do you need it or want it? Make the purchase only if you really need it,” specifies Jahnavi P, fashion designer and a team member at Tula India, a clothing store.

The designer takes CE through a step-by-step guide before buying clothes off the rack. After purchasing, comes the next question: How will its end life going to be? If you need it, then you are going to use it often. Think about when and how you are going to dispose it.

The answer could be after using it multiple times and when the fabric gets old, all the starch would have come off and it would become soft. You can use it for newborn babies as a diaper or wiping cloth because it .