Take note so you can go sightseeing and live the experience of all these options it has for you Do we all agree that the Caribbean has a unique “mood”? I bet your answer was yes. Limón has a lot of options to explore and to do, but this time we will give you some recommendations of the activities you can do in Punta Uva beach or very close to it. Let’s start by describing this incredible paradise.

Punta Uva is a white beach that blends with the turquoise water and the trees that lie on the sea. It has few rocks and a swell that varies according to the dry or rainy season, but in the dry season it has an intermediate level. Diving and Snorkeling: The coral reef makes it an ideal place for diving and snorkeling, where you can see numerous species of coral, colorful fish, sponges and crustaceans.

It is almost like watching a living painting. Cycling: Most hotels rent bicycles to tour around and visit nearby beaches. This is a very common means of transportation in the area.

Besides exercising you will be able to tour the area by yourself. Kayaking and paddle boarding: The calm and crystal clear waters of Punta Uva are ideal for this kind of tours. You can opt for these activities to enjoy the exuberant nature of the area and, of course, to admire the incredible sea.

Tour to indigenous villages and waterfalls About 30 minutes from Punta Uva is the district of Talamanca, Bratsi, here there are settlements of aborigines who are dedicated to rural tourism. Here you can learn.