Perhaps not since Michael Douglas’ self-serving character in “Fatal Attraction” has a cheating husband tried so hard to convince others — and seemingly his wife — that he deserves sympathy for being the object of a woman’s alleged sexual obsession. But that’s what surrogates of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

are trying to do for the married, 70-year-old former presidential candidate, who has embroiled himself in yet another sex scandal — this time over his alleged inappropriate, “sexting” relationship with star political reporter Olivia Nuzzi. Kennedy’s friends over the weekend that the 31-year-old Nuzzi was “obsessed” with the Trump-supporting Kennedy family member, who is married to his third wife, TV actor Cheryl Hines. Nuzzi tried to “set (Kennedy) up” by repeatedly sending him pornographic photographs of herself, even after her number had been blocked.

“She went after him aggressively,” a source told the New York Post. “She targeted him pretty hard. Bobby was blocking her continually.

It was a little scary. She was obsessed with him. I think she still is.

” Another friend, journalist Jessica Reed Kraus, that Kennedy only met Nuzzi once, when she visited his Los Angeles-area home and went on a hike with him for a profile that was published in New York magazine in November 2023. that the two began “sexting” with Nuzzi sending Kennedy “demure” nude photographs. But Kraus said that Kennedy blocked Nuzzi two weeks after the profile was publ.