The report into the tragic death of John Balson will publish in “weeks not months,” Ian Katz has said, as he revealed Channel 4 is considering rolling out additional welfare measures in true crime production. Balson committed suicide in May after working on true crime series In The Footsteps of Killers for several months and experiencing vestibular migraine disorder. There has since been an industry outpouring along with calls for improved welfare measures, and a Guardian investigation into his death put Balson back into the news agenda last week.

Katz said Channel 4 is thinking about how it could roll out the protections it has introduced for journalists reporting on the Israel-Gaza conflict to the true crime genre. “We have created specific protections for people dealing with horrific imagery and I am open to if we need similar measures in true crime,” he said. “It would be acknowledging the stress and impact of what looking at lots of upsetting imagery and testimony can take.

With Gaza imagery we are aware how much people are exposed, but we need to know more than we currently know [in true crime].” In order to gain a better understanding, the independent report into Balson’s death from legal firm Reynolds Porter Chamberlain will publish in “weeks not months,” Katz said, and the channel will take learnings from there. Balson’s family will be briefed on the learnings from the investigation but it will not necessarily be made public.

An inquest into his d.