Channel 4 is making a two part documentary series based on the felling of the iconic Sycamore Gap tree . The series will include exclusive access to Northumbria Police and will tell the extraordinary story of the crime that gripped the nation last year. With access to never-before-seen investigation assets, witnesses, suspects, police officers and case experts, the series will chronicle this unique investigation – following its intricate twists and turns and exploring the impact this senseless crime had on the local community and around the world .

The film will celebrate this icon of North- East imagery and identity and capture the utter outrage and disbelief that people around the world expressed at such a senseless crime. Eventually two men were charged - Daniel Graham, 38, and Adam Carruthers, 31 - with criminal damage and they now stand accused of causing £622,191 worth of damage to the tree and a further £1,144 to Hadrian’s Wall, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Both are pleading not guilty and are due to stand trial in December 2024.

Anna Miralis, Senior Commissioning Editor, Documentaries said: “The felling of this iconic and much-loved tree sent shock waves across the world. With the mix of extraordinary access to this unique investigation and an award-winning director, this documentary is guaranteed to be both enlightening and utterly compelling. It is my hope it will offer up some understanding on what drove those to commit such a senseless crime.

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