In this age of climate change, it looks like it’s hell or high water when it comes to our weather. There seems to be no “in-between” anymore. This has affected a lot of our daily activities, such as agriculture and tourism, as well as the simple tasks of going to work and school.

At the height of the scintillating temperatures and record-breaking heat indexes during the second half of this year, students had a hard time doing their academic tasks in oven-like environments of their classrooms. Even the trip to school has become dangerous with the risk of dehydration and heat stroke. These conditions prompted the government and education leaders to think about moving the start of the academic year back to its original schedule in June.

For them, this would largely solve the problem of class cancellations due to unfavorable weather conditions. But is this the ultimate answer? SunStar asked its young readers if a change in the academic calendar would address the issues of student learning in the midst of scorching weather. Gio Norbert Dungca , 26, architect.