Tasked with developing a detailed action plan and implementing effective governance to promote tourism in the city, the Chandigarh tourism department failed to do its job, the principal director of audit, Chandigarh, has pointed out in a report. Also, although the UT tourism department is in the process of preparing a tourism policy, it has not yet been finalised. Following perusal of the department’s records from 2018 to 2023, the audit detailed that according to the 20-year Perspective Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development in Chandigarh (2003), tourism was a complex domain that covered a wide range of activities spread across several ministries and involved state governments, local governments and the private sector.

“Considering that tourism is impacted by multiple sectoral policies, it requires a whole-of-government approach. Furthermore, as per the implementation plan and key performance indicators, a detailed action plan and performance indicators in line with the vision, mission and goals of the policy and various strategic pillars should be prepared. The plan and performance indicators should be finalised within the stipulated time to create a baseline for measuring the performance of the policy’s implementation,” the report stated.

But no detailed action plan or baseline was prepared by the department. It was also observed that no rules or guidelines were framed for issuing permission to organisations, private bodies or others for tourism-related events in.