Almost a year after arriving in Sooke, a single mother from Ukraine and her two children face a future filled with uncertainty. Sofia Slobodeniuk and her young son and daughter left Ukraine in March 2023 to seek refuge in Canada during the most challenging time of the war. After an arduous journey with little more than the clothes on their backs, followed by a stay in Slovakia to arrange for their paperwork, the family arrived in Sooke in August.

They spent the first three months living with the Levine's, a family that had experience sponsoring families from Ukraine. After 18 months at Ukrainan safe Haven in East Sooke, Slobodeniuk managed to find an apartment. She continues to work at a her first job in a beauty salon, and started a second job in April in housekeeping with Island Health while she pursues permanent residency.

"My goal at this point is to get on full-time with Island Health," she said. Her English has improved to the level five immigration requirement for housekeeping employment, and she continues to work toward level nine, which is essential for her other job. "In general, we are doing well and trying our best," she said.

"But my heart is still in Ukraine. I feel like my choice would be to fight for my country, but right now, Canada is best for the safety of my kids and their education. Although her son (9) and her daughter (7) are doing "very well" at school, the summer vacation break has posed some challenges.

"The kids really miss their friends and the act.