Mumbai, British actor Ellie Bamber, who will be seen in two biographical dramas “Moss and Freud” and “Anna”, says it’s a challenging task to portray real-life characters on the big screen. For “Moss and Freud”, the actor steps into the shoes of British supermodel Kate Moss. Whereas, “Anna” will see her play Elena, a protege to Russian journalist and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya .

Bamber, known for her roles in Tom Ford’s 2016 film “Nocturnal Animals”, BBC series “The Serpent”, and Disney series “Willow”, currently voice stars in the third season of Audible podcast “Impact Winter”. “The biggest challenge is authenticity and being authentic to the person..

. I've been so lucky because Kate is an executive producer on the project, and so to have her support throughout the filming of that was invaluable. “It's about getting the essence of the character and getting to the heart of who they are as an individual and being able to kind of bring that across,” the 27-year-old told PTI in an interview.

Bamber said she resonates with both her characters of Moss and Elena. “My character Elena in 'Anna' is quite focused and driven at work and I feel I'd like to think I’m that as well. With 'Kate.

..', there’s so much fun.

So, I like to think that I can have some fun as well.” In addition to these biopics, the actor said she is thrilled about her involvement in the Ryan Reynolds-starrer “Animal Friends”, an upcoming live-action.