Centinel Spine remains the clear worldwide leader in the lumbar total disc replacement (LTDR) market 1 , and its pro disc L device is the only LTDR system in the U.S. approved for one- and two-level use in the lumbar spine.

The LTDR market remains one of the fastest growing segments in all of orthopedics, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 25% in the U.S. over the last 5 years.

1 A landmark 20-year consecutive-series retrospective study with over 2,000 patients supports the durability and reliability of LTDR devices, demonstrated through a low 1.26% revision rate. 2 Strong sustained growth in the LTDR market is expected to continue as more long-term data is published, the reimbursement landscape strengthens, and patient demand for the procedure continues to increase.

WEST CHESTER, Pa. , Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Centinel Spine®, LLC ("the Company"), the leading global medical device company focused exclusively on treating cervical and lumbar spinal disease with the most complete and clinically-proven total disc replacement (TDR) technology platform in the world (pro disc ®), today announced data supporting strong market growth and the long-term durability and reliability of the lumbar total disc replacement (LTDR) procedure.

Data from a landmark long-term LTDR study out of the Texas Back Institute ( Plano, Texas ) supports the durability and reliability of the LTDR procedure, demonstrated through a low 1.26% removal/revision rate across 20 years. 2 .