Record worldwide pro disc® Total Disc Replacement (TDR) revenue exceeding $22 million in Q2 2024, growing almost 30% over prior year. Record U.S.

pro disc Cervical TDR revenue growing over 40% in Q2 2024 versus prior year. Record EBITDA in Q2 2024. Record number of U.

S. surgeons utilizing pro disc TDR products in Q2 2024, growing almost 40% over prior year. WEST CHESTER, Pa.

, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Centinel Spine®, LLC ("the Company"), the leading global medical device company focused exclusively on treating cervical and lumbar spinal disease with the most complete and clinically-proven total disc replacement (TDR) technology platform in the world (pro disc ®), today announced achievement of record revenue in the second quarter of 2024—outperforming Q1 2024, its previous record quarter. Centinel Spine remains the fastest growing company in the spine industry* and is dedicated exclusively to total disc replacement, one of the fastest growing segments in orthopedic implants. The Company remains well-positioned from a profitability perspective, achieving a record EBITDA quarter in Q2 2024** and its fifth consecutive adjusted EBITDA positive quarter.

Second Quarter 2024 Highlights Record worldwide pro disc TDR revenue of $22.1 million , representing 26% year-over-year (YOY) growth. Record worldwide pro disc Cervical revenue of $14.

6 million , with 32% YOY growth. Record U.S.

pro disc Cervical revenue, with 42% YOY growth. Record U.S.

pro disc total surgeon user-base .