Céline Dion has been living her dream come true since she was a teenager, but she said her most cherished memory comes from a time before fame . Dion grew up in a musical family, with each of her siblings playing instruments. As the youngest of 14, Dion was often excluded when her siblings played music together.

She said that some of the best days of her life came when they finally let her join them. Céline Dion said one of her favorite memories occurred before fame Dion has 13 brothers and sisters, and her parents encouraged each of them to play an instrument. “My brothers and sisters and I lived in a small house.

In the bedrooms upstairs, we slept five or six to a bed. On the ground floor, my mother would be cooking all the time and there was a piano in the cellar,” she told Vogue France in 2024. “Everyone sang, and everyone played a musical instrument.

‘Ghislaine, you’re on drums. Clément, you pick up the guitar. Denis, you sing.

’ My parents set up a small orchestra.” She desperately wanted to join them but, for a while, they wouldn’t let her. “I was very young and I used to go down to the cellar,” she said.

“But my brothers and sisters would come back up and tell Mum: ‘Come and get Céline, we’re trying to rehearse our show and she’s getting in our way, she keeps singing all the time!’ I wanted to sing with them, but I was too little.” When her brother got married, though, she was able to take his spot and join her siblings. She said.