As a third-generation Slovene American, I would like to thank reporter Jane Morice for her wonderful tribute to the Slovenian National Home as it celebrates its centennial (” The Slovenian National Home remains a cultural haven 100 years after it opened ,” Aug. 11). It has been lovingly restored and is still the hub for Slovenian social life.

I was honored years ago to have been a member of the Glasbena Matica Slovenian singing society (still in existence), and well remember the beauty of the hall, the camaraderie, acoustics and splendid food and drink after our concerts. My Slovenian maternal and paternal grandparents settled in Northeast Ohio after emigrating from Yugoslavia in the early 1900s. My paternal grandparents settled on East 64th Street at St.

Clair Avenue, around the corner from the Slovenian National Home. Hard workers, with a great respect for this country, they became citizens, always speaking of how grateful they were to live and work here, yet proud of their Slovene heritage. My parents, although born in this country, equally revered their Slovene heritage and instilled this trait in me.

“Slovenec sem” means “I am Slovenian.” And proud of it. May the Slovenian National Home live another 100 years! Arline Debelak-Price, Gates Mills.