Imagine a vibrant tapestry woven from threads of Spanish, Mexican, Caribbean, and Central and South American cultures. This vibrant fabric is the rich heritage of Hispanic Americans, whose ancestors journeyed across vast oceans to build a new life in the United States. Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates this vibrant tapestry, honoring the contributions of Hispanic Americans to the history and achievements of our nation.

A brief history In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson wanted to honor the Hispanic population of America and established Hispanic Heritage Week. Recognizing the significance of this celebration, in 1988, President Ronald Reagan expanded the observance to cover 30 days September 15th to October 15th). The recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month became a law in 1988 and is celebrated annually.

Hispanic Heritage Month is an excellent time to learn more about Hispanic culture, savor traditional foods, experience vibrant art and dance music, and learn more about the history of many Hispanic countries. While we celebrate the rich and vibrant contributions of Hispanic Americans to our beautiful culture, it’s essential to acknowledge the significant barriers they continue to face in accessing essential resources like education, employment, and healthcare. As one of the fastest-growing segments of South Carolina’s population, the Hispanic community deserves equal opportunities to thrive.

It’s a time to not only appreciate their cultural heritage but also to actively a.