Celebrate Bisexuality Day on September 23 shines a spotlight on bisexual identity, promoting visibility, understanding, and inclusivity for the bisexual community. Each year on September 23, the world observes Celebrate Bisexuality Day, a day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the bisexual community, their identities, and their contributions to society. This day is not only about raising awareness but also about promoting visibility and breaking down stereotypes about bisexuality.

The Origins of Celebrate Bisexuality Day Celebrate Bisexuality Day , also known as Bi Visibility Day , was first observed in 1999. The day was initiated by three bisexual rights activists—Wendy Curry, Michael Page, and Gigi Raven Wilbur—who aimed to highlight the unique experiences of bisexual individuals, who often face erasure and misunderstanding from both the heterosexual and LGBTQ+ communities. The founders wanted a day where bisexual people could proudly embrace their identity without fear of judgment or marginalization.

Since its inception, the day has grown in popularity, with events taking place worldwide to celebrate bisexuality and promote equality. Why Celebrate Bisexuality Day Matters 1. Bisexual Erasure and Stereotypes: Bisexual individuals often face a specific kind of discrimination known as bisexual erasure, where their sexual identity is invalidated or overlooked.

Stereotypes such as "bisexuality is just a phase" or "bisexuals are confused" contribute to this harmful narr.