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However, this wasn’t the scene just weeks earlier. Hunter arrived on 18 July weighing 6lbs 11oz, two weeks before his due date – and Camilla’s midwives were stuck in rush-hour traffic. Worried they wouldn’t reach Camilla in time for her planned home birth, they asked for back up, and in dramatic fashion two ambulances and six paramedics arrived at the couple’s home.

Chris, 38, who retired as a rugby union player earlier this year and now works in business development for an insurance company and due to appear on the forthcoming series of Celebrity: SAS Who Dares Wins , says, “I thought I was going to have to deliver the baby, but they sent an ambulance instead.” “They were all incredible,” Camilla, 36, says. “But my midwife arrived, perhaps an hour later than she would have liked, and we did have the birth plan we wanted.

“We had two ambulances outside an.