Chief Executive John Lee today led his team of principal officials to attend a district forum to listen to the public's views on the upcoming Policy Address. Held at Tai Po Government Primary School and joined by about 120 people from different backgrounds, the two-hour district forum consisted of two sessions. In the first session, the Chief Executive and principal officials heard people's views on matters that straddled across many areas, including land and housing, transport, innovation and technology, financial services development, cultural and creative industries, education, youth issues, poverty alleviation and support for the disadvantaged, and healthcare.

In the second session, participants were divided into four groups centred on the themes of “pursuing development and economic growth” and “improving people's livelihood in pursuit of happiness” to engage in more extensive discussions with the Chief Executive and principal officials. Mr Lee also interacted with members of each group in turn and listened to their views. He said: “I am grateful to everyone present today for taking the time on Sunday to participate in the Policy Address district forum and for having fruitful interactions with my team and me.

“In the Policy Addresses over the last two years, many initiatives were developed based on the views received during the district forum. The valuable views of the public have helped me gain a deeper understanding of the issues facing society and local co.