Our community members are treated to special offers, promotions and adverts from us and our partners. You can check out at any time. More info Human catwoman, Joceyln Wildenstein , who died aged 84, had fought a lengthy battle with chronic illness.

The influencer died on December 31 and her fashion designer fiancé Lloyd Klein has since revealed that a long battle with a chronic illness played a role in her death. Speaking to People, Lloyd detailed Jocelyn's silent struggle with phlebitis and how she died peacefully in her sleep on that devastating night. Phlebitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the veins , usually in the legs, and can lead to symptoms such as swelling, redness, and pain when clots form, WebMD explains.

Lloyd told People: "We had a nice happy hour the same night and we were getting ready for the new year, and we took a little nap just to look good before getting dressed. Because of her phlebitis , the legs were very, very swollen, and the blood was blocked, and there was no oxygen in the brain." He added, recounting the devastating discovery: "And we were having a nap and when I wake up, I said, 'Jocelyn, we have to wake up, we have to get dressed,' and she was cold and she was dead.

It's very sad. It's extremely sad. It's extremely sad to lay down with your other half that I know for 21 years and waiting to celebrate New Year's Eve and to find her cold.

" Jocelyn and her grandmother both battled with phlebitis, yet Lloyd insisted she was in "perfect".